Apr 6, 2011

Easy No-Rise Pizza Crust

Put the yeast and the sugar in a mixing bowl and mix well. Add the rest of the ingredients to the bowl and knead until you get a sticky doughy ball. Let it sit for 5 minutes. Preheat the oven to 230°C  (450°F.) Sift some more flour onto it and mix well. Roll out on a plastic or floured surface until you have a medium sized disk. Flour your hands and lift the dough and stretch it into a circular motion using your fists so it doesn't rip. Place it on a greased pan when stretched enough, and sprinkle with garlic powder and Parmesan cheese. Top as you choose. Brush some oil and garlic powder mixture on the edges of the crust. Bake for 20 minutes, or until edges are golden.


CantStopBaking said...

Yum! That pizza looks perfect!

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